Helping your sales

team reach

breakthrough sales!

Servant Leaders in Sales is a not-for-profit association dedicated to improving sales performance through Servant Leader principles. Our goal is to help sales leaders succeed by creating high-performance sales teams filled with the joy of selling.

Servant Leader Sales practices are being used successfully in businesses ranging from Southwest Airlines to Starbucks to Pfizer and Amazon. It’s a form of “tough love” sales leadership which emphasizes empathy, humility, teamwork and accountability to create breakthrough sales results.  

Most content is free of charge. Please consider purchasing Servant Leader books on this site to help fund the ongoing costs of the association.


Articles on
Servant Leadership

Successful Servant Leader sales principles and practices ranging from teamwork to accountability to emotional intelligence. Free . Click here to view on LinkedIn.

Servant Leadership
Coaching / Mentoring

Coaching / Mentoring is available to help energize sales leaders and sales teams on a one-on-one basis or team basis. Experienced sales leaders are available to answer questions, provide coaching for sales leaders, sales teams as well as individual sales people. There is no charge for this service. Just email us your needs and details to:

Servant Leadership

Two books on Servant Leadership in sales that will help empower your sales team, and produce record setting sales productivity.

Serve, Lead, Succeed!

Seven Steps to Success for Sales Managers

Servant Leadership
Free Sales Group!

Join Servant Leaders in Sales free of charge for updates on best practices, virtual meetings, podcasts, articles and networking with other servant leaders in sales. Just provide your name and email address, and send to:

Servant Leadership
Short Course

A short course in the basics of servant leadership by Max Cates. Includes two-months membership to the Xi Community. $36.00

Servant Leadership

Videos on current Servant Leader sales topics including best practices and current sales strategies. No charge for this content.

Dave Mattson on Servant Leadership in Sales

John Maxwell on Servant Leadership

Howard Behar, former CEO of Starbucks, On Servant Leadership

Daniel Pink on Empathy