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FREE Selling Magazines for Business Owners, Sales Managers, and Sales People. Provides a weekly dose of education, inspiration and motivation.

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HOW TO KREATE KAHLE’S KACULATION One of our most popular FREE eBook downloads. This is an e-book and a step-by-step process to calculate a salesperson’s productivity. Take all the guess work out of evaluating a salesperson’s performance by objectively measuring his/her productivity.

HOW TO SELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE ANYTIME SELF-ASSESSMENT Based on the book which became a world-wide phenom, this assessment allows anyone to objectively evaluate their selling system and their personal selling skills.

THE FIVE MOST COMMON MISTAKES DISTRIBUTOR SALES PEOPLE MAKE, AND HOW TO AVOID THEM (FREE eBook) Most sales trainers have no understanding of the unique challenges of the wholesaler-distributor salesperson. We’ve worked with thousands. Here’s some of what we have learned.

PROFILE OF A PROFESSIONAL SALES MANAGER (FREE eBook) Many sales managers struggle because they have no clear model of what a great sales manager looks like. This eBook fixes that:

SELL BETTER! (FREE eBook) Understand sales systems from the perspective of the chief sales officer


All too often, salespeople are directed by the urgencies of the moment: A lead pops up, a customer calls with a problem or some paperwork to which you need to attend. They find themselves busily pursuing an agenda created by other people. They are busy, but too often with the wrong things. The best salespeople, however, understand that sales happen as a result of methodically managing people through certain well-defined steps in a sales process.

ARE OUTSIDE SALESPEOPLE OBSOLETE? For generations, outside salespeople thrived on face-to-face relationships. Their approach to the job was to get in the car and go see people. The world is full of businesses who have grown on that sales model. Until recently. The Covid lock-down has turned the world of outside salespeople upside down. All at once, field salespeople found themselves locked out of their customer’s building. They couldn’t see their customers face-to-face. Those who were resourceful fell back on the phone and embraced video technology to attempt to stay in contact with their customers. They discovered that it was an almost entirely new skillset, with new rules and new processes.

SIX KEYS TO BEING A PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON SALES LEADERS Often lament the lack of professionalism in the world of sales. Let’s take a close look at what it means to be a professional sales person.

Q&A FOR SALES MANAGERS: COMMUNICATING EXPECTATIONS Our response to this question: Your Ezine referenced something that I struggle with almost daily. I’m definitely known for having very high expectations that aren’t so easy to meet. I wondered if you could elaborate on what strategies you have seen succeed regarding this, because while I’m sure open to changing my attitude, I’m not thrilled with lowering my expectations. I’m overly driven…and not far from driven crazy!

MYTHS OF B2B SALES: GREAT RELATIONSHIPS “I have great relationships with my customers.” That is one of the most debilitating myths around — one that cripples the performance of the average corporate salesperson. Yet, it is endemic within the population of salespeople. I am not sure that there is a salesperson anywhere who doesn’t, to some extent, believe it. Let’s look a little deeper at the belief and its consequences.

HOW CAN I SELL WHEN I’M NOT THE LOWEST PRICE? I wish I had a dollar for every time I was asked that question in a sales training session. First, let’s start with this premise: “Low price” is not the main reason people buy! In every survey of buying motivations I’ve ever read, low price is never the primary motivation. Yes, it’s important. And, when everything else is equal, it will be the deciding factor. But very rarely is everything else equal. And very few people in this world buy only on the basis of low price.

NINE TIPS FOR DEALING WITH ANGRY CUSTOMERS It is easy to work with people you like, and it is even easier to work with people who like you. But that’s not always the case. Sooner or later, you’ll have to deal with a difficult customer. Here’s a set of proven principles and practices to help you.

THE QUESTION IS THE KEY! If there is only one practice within the scope of the professional sales person upon which you can focus, let it be to gain mastery in asking better sales questions. A series of better sales questions provides you leverage and a competitive edge at every stage of the sales process.


In a misguided attempt to stay busy and see as many people as possible, too many sale people subscribe to the theory that any activity is good activity. Sales people now must confront an overwhelming number of potential “things to do,” and that requires them to make decisions about which customers in which to invest their time, to prioritize their activities every day, and to continually choose from a menu of possible activities. In other words, sales people must now engage in strategic planning.

THINK A LOT! Salespeople are overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time in which to do it. Something must change. The best way to take control of your time is to change the way you think and the amount of time you spend thinking. In this post, we share three specific ways to do that.

ADVERSITY There is something about adversity that has the power to linger forever in our memories, shaping our character and molding our behavior for the rest of our life. We can use it to grow and become better people, if we let it.

ENTERTAINING YOUR CUSTOMERS STRATEGICALLY The idea of entertaining your customers is often an after-thought for many sales people. From my experience, strategically entertaining your customers is one of the best things you do. Join me to unpack this issue, and gain several ‘how-to- tips.

IS THE SYSTEM THE SOLUTION? “I have my own style of selling.” That is a remark I have heard a number of times, usually from relatively inexperienced sales people. What they usually mean is something like this: “I don’t have any real system to what I do, I don’t want any scrutiny, and I probably am not going to learn anything from you.” How valid is this position? Does every sales person have a unique style of selling? Are they just trying to hide from accountability under the cover of individual “style”? Or is there some other explanation?

CAN YOU PUSH TOO FAR? My response to this question: How do you know how far to push a sale without overstepping your bounds and threatening the sale and/or the relationship with the customer? Some practical wisdom to guide you.

GETTING THE ‘LAST LOOK’ Q. How do I ensure that I get the last look in a competitive bid situation? The writer of the question wants the ability to go in after the bids have been submitted, to look at the competitive bids or at least the lowest bid prices, and to change his/her prices in order to be awarded the business. I have responses for this on several different levels: 1. Avoiding a bid situation to begin with. 2. Making a last look unnecessary. 3. When all else fails, insuring that you get a last look.

INTRODUCTION TO SALES SYSTEMS At its most fundamental level, business is always and only about three things: Money, people and systems. There is a huge body of content revolving around money in business. When it comes to people, as an element in business, there is an equally impressive body of knowledge and infrastructure. When it comes to systems, however, there is not nearly the quantity and quality of conversation. And yet effective systems are, at the very least, just as necessary to the growth and health of a business as good people and adequate funds. Good systems are where the company’s financial assets intertwine with the people to produce results.



Sales Books –

The Kahle Way® B2B Selling System –

The Kahle Way® B2B Advanced Selling System –

The Kahle Way® Distributor Selling System –

The Sales Master’s Approach to Acquiring New Customers –

STRETCH – The Strategic Time Management Course for B2B Salespeople –

The Kahle Way® Sales Management System –

The Short Course in Sales



Sales Screening
Imagine a service so reliable that you could eliminate the majority of mistakes made when hiring salespeople or sales managers. Don’t be fooled by a resume, an incredible track record, or a candidate’s ability to WOO you. We can cut through all this and give you reliable insights into what to expect six months later, and a year later. Do they fit your team? Do they fit the roles and functions you want to hire for? Where will they excel, and where will they fail? They’re missing some key strengths, but should I hire them anyway, and how can I maximize their potential success if I do? What aspects of the sales process will they struggle in: Networking? WOOing? Closing? Maintaining & Upselling relationships? Many people hired to sales positions lack the essential abilities to becoming top producers. We’ll help you cut through all this!


Sales Profiling
Imagine a service so reliable that you could eliminate the majority of mistakes made when hiring salespeople or sales managers. Don’t be fooled by a resume, an incredible track record, or a candidate’s ability to WOO you. We can cut through all this and give you reliable insights into what to expect six months later, and a year later. Do they fit your team? Do they fit the roles and functions you want to hire for? Where will they excel, and where will they fail? They’re missing some key strengths, but should I hire them anyway, and how can I maximize their potential success if I do? What aspects of the sales process will they struggle in: Networking? WOOing? Closing? Maintaining & Upselling relationships? Many people hired to sales positions lack the essential abilities to becoming top producers. We’ll help you cut through all this!